Installing Istio With a Helmfile

Intro Istio is an open-source service-mesh platform for kubernetes. A service mesh is a tool for managing communication between services in a microservices architecture. It’s particularly useful because it provides security and configuration features, such as mutual TLS (mTLS) and TLS termination via Envoy sidecar proxies. In this tutorial, we’ll use Helmfile to declaratively manage Istio installation on your Kubernetes cluster. Istio helpfully provides some helm charts, but there are some additional settings to enable to ensure that helmfile installation goes smoothly....

Git 2.3 Push to Deploy

Git 2.3 (Release Notes) was released today, bringing some exciting new changes. More importantly, it means an easier way to keep your server updated. I previously wrote about a way to automagically update your site with changes to a repository. Now as long as your site doesn’t require a build step you can update your site by pushing directly to your webserver. You can enable this on your server with the following command....

Updating a site using Github Webhooks

UPDATE: You might find this newer post more helpful. A while ago I was making a small site with Jekyll, and my workflow looked something like this: Make changes locally Commit changes and push them to a Github repository SSH into the server and pull the changes Use Jekyll to build the new version of the site. This got pretty old pretty fast so I decided to do something about it....